Up to Date Docs and Taxes when Selling my Moraira Property

Below you will find information about the documentation we need to sell the property, as well as what the expenses and taxes are when selling your property in Moraira.

1. Documents we need:

When Listing the Property

- Copy of the Escritura

- Last IBI invoice

When we sell the property

- Last Electric invoice

- Last Water invoice

- Last Gas invoice

- Last Phone invoice

-Certificado de inexistencia de infracción urbanística from the Town Hall (Certificate of no infringements of the urbanistic rules or plans)

- Plus the Certificates explanined below:

2. Seller’s Obligations Prior to Sale:

Energy Performance Certificate:


- Have an architect to issue an Energy Certificate 

- Pay cost (see our prices for Energy Certificates and other Certificates in Moraira here)

Certificate of extensions works (if required):

To declare any extensions and swimming pool (“Obra Nueva de Ampliacion”) and have them added to the Escritura


- Have an architect to issue a certificate detailing the additions

- Use this to add the additions at the Notary, this can be done on the same day as the sale or at any time prior to the sale if more convenient

- Pay costs

Certificate of Second Occupancy (if required):

To apply for a new certificate of second occupancy (“Solicitud de Cedula de Habitabilidad de Segundo Ocupacion”) if one doesn’t exist or it is out of date. This should be done at the same time as declaring any extensions etc.


- Have an architect issue a certificate stating the property is OK
- Use this to apply to the Town Hall for the Cedula
- Pay costs

3. Sellers Closing Costs:

Plus Valia (A local capital gains tax levied by the Town Hall only on the value of the land)

3% Retention against Capital Gains Tax (This payment, by law, has to be retained by the purchaser who pays it to the Hacienda or Spanish Inland revenue, it is a payment on account in respect of any Capital Gains Tax liability there might be)

Costs of "Energy Certificate" if not done before.

Costs of “Obra Nueva de Ampliacion” if not done before.

Costs of “Solicitud de Cedula de Habitabilidad de Segundo Ocupacion” if not done before.

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